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Peds Eval

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Each evaluation is individualized to fit specific areas of need.

Evaluation rates vary according to the complexity and duration of assessments required.

Please inquire about rates.​

Título de la lista

Includes formal standardized measure(s) of speech sound production, dynamic and skilled observation/assessment tasks, speech sample, and interview.

Título de la lista

Includes standardized qualitative questionnaire (i.e. perception of speech and impact on participation) and quantitative measures of speech "fluency" (i.e. speech sound repetition counts), dynamic assessment tasks, motivational interview, skilled observation, and patient/family interview.

Título de la lista

Includes standardized measure(s) of motor speech tests, dynamic, functional speech tasks, speech sampling, questionnaire and patient/family interview. 

Título de la lista

Includes standardized analytical language processing assessment(s) vs. skilled language sampling and clinical interpretation of gestalt language processing according to language processing type. Includes functional, dynamic assessment tasks, skilled observation, and child/family interview.

Título de la lista

Includes all aspects of the cognitive-communication and speech/language assessments crafted to fit specific areas of focus per client (i.e. word-finding, speech intelligibility and memory).

Título de la lista

Includes standardized measure(s) of word-finding and receptive and expressive language skills, functional language tasks,  language sampling, and patient/family interview. 

Título de la lista

Includes all elements of relevant language and speech assessments listed above. May include stuttering assessment if applicable.

Título de la lista

Includes standardized measure(s) of cognitive communication functioning (i.e. memory, attention), dynamic, functional assessments, skilled observation, and patient/family interview. 

Adult Eval

Sección de título

Treatment plans are person-centered and discussed following evaluation or the client's initial treatment. All sessions and services are conducted utilizing evidence-based practices and target individualized goals. We value ASHA's communication bill of rights.

Rates are based on each family's 

socioeconomic bracket as scaled by average household income.

Please inquire about treatment rates.

Cada sitio web tiene una historia y sus visitantes quieren escuchar la suya. Este espacio es una gran oportunidad para brindar información completa sobre quién es usted, qué hace su equipo y qué tiene para ofrecer su sitio. Haga doble clic en el cuadro de texto para comenzar a editar su contenido y asegúrese de agregar todos los detalles relevantes que desea que los visitantes del sitio conozcan.

Si tienes una empresa, habla sobre cómo empezaste y comparte tu trayectoria profesional. Explique sus valores fundamentales, su compromiso con los clientes y cómo se destaca entre la multitud. Agregue una foto, una galería o un video para lograr aún más participación.

*Please, note a 3.15% + $.30 is added to each credit card transaction as a processing fee.



Terapia del habla Hana

Ubicado en el

Colectivo de Terapia de Mosaico

533 E. Calle Micheltorena 

Santa Bárbara, CA


Teléfono 608-630-7578

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